Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Where the hell is my smiley?

I'm so behind on the blogification that I'm posting for NO REASON WHATSOEVER.

I thought I wouldn't be able to shut up when I started this. Took me about a day to run out of things to say. There's so little going on in my life that it's sort of embarrassing.

I've lost 20 lbs., which is cool. I'm actually slightly appalled at how fat I was, being that the loss of said 20 lbs. does NOT make me a toothpick, by any means. Stuff's still going well in that realm, however. That $440 is MINE, baby.

The keetens are learing to loooove. They are having valentine's day together. Not really, but I left them alone together for the weekend, and I think my suspicions are right -- they're having love when I am not around. When I am here, it is all hates. And pointy bits.

I snorgled Neko for like 20 minutes today (the man needed a HUG -- he has hees vays of makingk you hugk heem), and I've come to the conclusion that it's sort of like licking toads. Be careful when breathing in the intoxicating aroma of keeten furs, because you will go all lightheaded and geeedy. I almost passed out.

(So I feel like I should have a cuted-out smiley today, but then I remembered that this isn't MySpace, and a phrase came to mind that I shall never utter or think again: shit, I forgot -- this ISN'T myspace!)

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