Sunday, February 25, 2007

I'm so money and I don't even know it

It's the late Sunday night, I-gotta-go-to-bed-but-I-slept-too-late-this-morning post.

So after all my pissing and moaning, I'm going to Las Vegas for a real vacation! Sweet. I will amend my earlier rant to clarify that I'm OK with the money I make now (just disturbed that it doesn't go farther), I'm just not prepared to start over making sheyat. And regardless of what I make, I deserve a raise. But I digress.

Anyway, Vegas, baby, Vegas! Very excited. Celebrating the big 3-0 and everything. Going to drive to the Grand Canyon and take a look at that too! Long drive for a short visit, but my traveling companion wants to go, and the GC is definitely on my top 10 places in the US to see before I die. So now I can die a little sooner.

God, my eating schedule is all messed up too -- I'm hungry, but it's 11, which is just too late to eat.

I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped in terms of shopping and/or working out before my trip
(oh, I hope this doesn't cause me to lose the fat contest), because we just got shat upon with snow. I don't think it ended up being anywhere near the 12-18" they predicted, but it's hard to tell looking out the window. I have not ventured out. But it's enough that note to self, I better get up early tomorrow to dig out so I make it to work on time. Or not, whatev.

Which leads me to the fact that I am at a minimum one reference verification away from applying for a real-live full-time permanent film job (well, no, it's TV). Not going into details right now, but along with everything else that's bad timing right now, this is as well (being that I'm going to submit it then leave for a vacation soon thereafter), but whatev to that too. It'll work it out if it's supposed to. I'm a little underqualified, not sure this is the type of work I want to do for the rest of my life, and I have no idea how much they pay -- which should mean my interview will go GREAT, since I'm not really dying to get the job. I mean, I am excited about it, but at the same time, part of me is sort of rolling my eyes -- OK, the small detail I will go into is that it's a home shopping channel type of thing. But at this point it's more about the experience and the people/working conditions. If those are good, I don't care what the content is so much.

Anyway, that's what I've been doing. Working on the res. and cov. let. I cannot tell you how much I HATE doing this crap, but this time it wasn't as painful. I wasn't pretending I really want some shitty job that I don't want, worrying that the desperation to get out of my current job is showing. I actually wrote a real, heartfelt letter explaining my real feelings about how I'd truly like the job. That's a new one. I do think I need to study up before the interview -- with my sporadic work, even the stuff I do know needs to be refreshed. I can set up several different kinds of lights with no problem, but I can't remember what they're called. (It does NOT help that they're all called "minis," "babies," "baby babies," etc. Extension cords are stingers. Clothes pins are C37's or something like that. It's a little ridic.)

Shit, I'm so freaking out of it, I just heard on the BBC radio (via NPR) that Martin Scorsese just won an Oscar for some movie I haven't even heard of. Go Martin.

So goodbye, all my fans who read this religiously (HAHAHAHAHAHA). I will probably not be blogging for the next 2 weeks. Since I have to work my ass off, literally, at the gym, and pack and all that crap. Woohoo! Speaking of working my ass off, I just have to add my newest thing. I was trying on my skinny clothes and seeing how I looked. Since my upper body seems to have lost more weight than my lower (and I was worried it would be the other way around because I've been doing mostly just elliptical and treadmill!), I feel more conscious of the fatness of my ass than I was before, when it was twice as big. Because my top half was also fat, and I didn't look at myself that closely. Anyway, it's weird to be both excited about losing weight and more critical of the size of one's ass than ever all at the same time. On that note, buhbye!

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