Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Killer Death Hockey from Hell

Well, I just realized S. linked to me from her site. (OK, S, I have to agree with you -- you have too much internetty stuff going on and I keep forgetting some of them exist! But I'm probably just jealous because the internets don't hate you like they hate me.) And she said something about my writings covering the underbelly of Mpls. filmmaking, street hockey and cat farts.

Nothing to report on #3, thank god.

Filmmaking? GodDAMN it, the director I last worked with just told me to add him to my myspace, when I asked him if I can work on his next project. NOOOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOOOooooooooooO! I hate myspace! So very much! But perhaps it's time to scrap the rantings I started there and start over with something I actually want the general world to see. UGH. But if it can get me jobs... ... ... I'm going to have to sleep on that one.

But I haven't really updated with the whole floor hockey thing! It's great. Last week my friend from work who also starts with an S came, and that was nice for several reasons: not being the only girl and having a friend I know a little better were really nice. We MIGHT get some more girls this Sat. (but S won't be there). I do feel brave, though -- there have been other potential female players who simply will not play if they're the only girl. I guess one showed up last Sat. when I wasn't there and refused to play. Come on, ladies! Let's not let them think we're THAT way.

However, after last night, I can't blame any of the ladies too much for being girl weenies. All I can say is OWIE. I got so beat up! Guys, we girls did not grow up pounding on each other for fun and recreation, and we certainly do not wrestle with each other now, or whatever you people do. I'm trying really hard to be tough shit here, but STOP HITTING ME!

OK, I admit: I'm kind of OK with it. Because if they're gonna hit me, man, I'm gonna HIT BACK. And let me tell you, I have thirty years of pent-up anger toward men... Not to be a feminazi (ha), but I've defintely been on the shit end of the deal for a while now. So watch out, boys, the gloves ar coming OFF! HAAHAhAHahahahahahaaaaaa.

But. I feel like shit today. I usually only get slightly sore muscles, but I have injury-related pains in my right shin (I got hit HARD by a stick when one guy tackled -- I didn't know there was tackling in hockey! -- another and I got in the way; it turned into a dark bruise within seconds, then a large welt, and oh, it hurt to run), my left wrist and hand, right shoulder, left knee, and one elbow was hurting earlier. Oh, and I got jarred so hard on one hit I kind of snapped my jaw shut, so that's a little achy too. And I'm really tired because I always end up staying up too late on hockey nights (start at 7, 2 hrs of hockey, another 2 hours at the bar, 20-min. drive home, feed the cats, shower, then I have to let my hair dry at least halfway, and suddenly it's past 1 am). So I feel pretty crappy today. But I'm excited to play again on Saturday! It'll be outside, which for some reason gets less rough (not as enclosed as the gym), but I still intend to kick some ass.

I'm not sure what got into everyone. Just to be clear, they were attacking each other more than usual too -- it wasn't just "everyone go after the poor chick" night. My calendar says today is a full moon...?

OH, and on Saturday, if there are enough people around to keep an eye on it, I'm bringing my camera and taking pictures so we can start our own floorball web site! We might need a team name now, at least to name our site after... I'll let you know if we get that going -- maybe I'll start it up as a blog, since I know how to do one now. Becuz, I know one of the internets, sort of! Ha, and I just realized that *I* will not be on the site if it's my camera! Bwaaahahahaha. It's like driving a stick -- use equipment other people don't know how to operate so you can control the device at all times! (OK, I don't think we have any DP's here, but some of them gotta know how to operate a camera...) I'll have to update on Sunday if I can still move.

1 comment:

S.B. said...

Great - now I gotta add kickass art photos too! Very neat!